Stephanie Evans Bishop: REMARKS

Thank you for your Christ-centered service, love and support. As families, we are blessed and strengthened by each kind gesture, word and action from so many of you. Seeing all of your faces here today I know is making my Dad’s spirit SMILE!

One of my Dad’s unfortunate aging ailments was hearing loss. It greatly diminished his abilities to do two of his favorite things: talk & sing

Heavenly Fathers plan of salvation states our bodies will return to perfect health and we will be reunited with loved ones. My testimony of the details and doctrine allow me to know my Dad now has his voice & hearing back and he resides in his soon-to-be perfected body. He is surrounded by generations of Evans relatives whom have already created melodious melodies in heaven. 

LDS Church music and other uplifting music is in my soul, my Mom, my Siblings and my posterity because of my Dad. 

—In the early 1960's He wooed my mother by taking her to a GOLD & GREEN  ball (that is a dance for you Millennials) WHERE there was lovely dancing and music. Mom & Dad were married in the Logan Utah Temple and had 55 years of life together. 

--In the mid 1960's, Mom and Dad made Kansas City their home due to acceptance and completion of UMKC Dental School for my Dad. My Dad's long-term practice, on 47th & Mission in the City of Mission, KS often had “elevator” music softly harmonizing to the WRRR of the drill!

—IN THE 1970’s Dad was the Chairman for the Independence, MO outdoor LDS Pageant titled "Families are Forever or later titled "Missouri Mormons & Miracle"  During  Summers of my adolescents years, my siblings and I practiced singing, dancing and performing along with a large cast of fellow Latter day Saints.

  The iconic song we will sing at the closing of this service, OH MY FATHER:, was the last song of the Pageant. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir's voices were heard as "White-robed" angels (whom were cast members) greeted their beloved Grandmother with open arms. Hearing this song causes me too instinctively raise my arms and imagine the glorious reunions Dad is having with family, friends, ROMEOS, and fellow ward members.

—During the -1980’s. Neil DIAMOND’s “Coming to America was our family’s THEME TRACK! I can still visualizes a small black square 8 TRAC and our BIG BLUE EXTENSION VAN. Road tripping across the USA in a van that not only had a roll-out bed, but fridge and sink and swivel chairs--- WE WERE LIVIN’ THE DREAM as we traveled to the Grand Canyon, Tetons, Washington DC, Florida, Branson, MO & Colorado camping!

—In the 1990’s, my Dad participated in the KC metro’s version of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He loved singing BASS, meeting new people, and performing at many various venues.  My boys MAY remember their Grandpa dressing up in a tux for these performances which was mildly out of character for an Idaho farm-boy.

—In 1996 I caught my DAd once standing in front of a old stereo (as big as an adult-sized dresser  ) singing at the top of his lungs the Hallelujah Chorus from the Handel's messiah.  it was during the holiday celebration and the only audience member in the living room of our childhood was my hard of hearing 90-year-old grandmother. Angels must’ve heard Dad on that day.

—Just last week, by my Dad’s bedside in HOSPICE CARE, my sweet daughter-in-law arranged for family to sing some of Grandpa’s favorite hymns. What a lasting memory for my family.

May you remember my beloved father each time you worship through song.

I testify that Our “Bruce” is now surrounded by dear loved ones singing in and out of tune. 

In the name of Jesus Christ AMEN. 

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